It's Storytime - narration as a sticky conveyor of information

by Kim Laplume


Thoughts on how to improve the storytelling on this platform


The human brain is trained to remember stories.
It's how we've passed down information for generations.
It's how we've learned from our elders, and how we've taught our children.
It's how we've entertained ourselves, and how we've entertained others.
It's how we've made sense of the world around us, and how we've made sense of ourselves.

I think that stories are the most powerful tool we have for conveying information.
My goal for 2025 is to use stories to help people learn, grow, and connect with each other.

However, I need a little assistance in getting started. What are some of the best ways to tell a story, especially tailored around the idea of helping people around the subject of Ruby on Rails?
Is it better to write a blog post, create a video, or publish a repository with code? All of the above?
How important is it to create a place where people can interact with the story, such as a forum or a comments section?

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. So if you want to share your ideas, please feel free to email me at or write a DM on X at @railsguru_dev. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!